Analyzing HR dataset to improve employee performance.
A human resource manager is tasked with managing a very great asset in the organization; The employees. This analysis has been made to gain insights from the Hr dataset. Please keep on reading to know more.
Loading and cleaning of the dataset
The dataset came in as an Excel file with a total of thirty-seven (37) rows and one-thousand, four-hundred and seventy-one (1471) columns, and fifteen (15) sheets.
The main data for the analysis is in the Employees' spreadsheet, the fourteen (14) other spreadsheets in the workbook were used in the transformation of the dataset.
Opened the data in Power Bi power query editor, and changed the data type for the necessary columns
I began to transform the data after loading it Power Query editor
Writing DAX
Visuales of the data
The home visual, that summarizes the data
The second page with further details on the data
The last page of the visualizations
Thank you for taking the time to read this article please do let me know if you have any questions or observations.